Category Archives: iOS

MonoTouch: Auto scroll UITextField or other views hidden by keyboard

Here is a snippet that I use in my base view controller class to handle scrolling views that would be hidden by the keyboard when it appears. Any view within a UIScrollView can be made to scroll automatically to be visible when the keyboard appears over it.

This is based on the following Apple documentation example: Managing the Keyboard: Moving Content That Is Located Under the Keyboard.

Continue reading MonoTouch: Auto scroll UITextField or other views hidden by keyboard

MonoTouch – UIView with curved border and shadow

Giving a UIView a curved border and then adding a drop shadow is much easier than I first thought it would be, but as with anything with iOS development it took some time to work out.

Here is a UIView descendant “UIViewBordered”:

Continue reading MonoTouch – UIView with curved border and shadow