Where to download Tools/SDK/Developer Runtime for Silverlight 4.0.60831.0

With the release of Silverlight 5 it is of course now difficult to find a download for the latest Silverlight 4 Developer Runtime for those of us developing for restricted client environments (again).

Silverlight 4 Developer Runtime 4.0.60831.0

Silverlight 4 Runtime 4.0.60831.0

Silverlight 4 SDK 4.0.60310.0, April 2011 Update
http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/9/B/B9BDD218-6974-4816-A309-0FC85A105521/sdk/silverlight_sdk.exe (from here: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=15636). You should install this after you have installed the Silverlight 4 Tools for VS2010.

The above were found by going to Silverlight.net and selecting the “Silverlight 4 (Previous Version)” -> Silverlight 4 Runtime, however you have to use IE. Using Chrome resulted in downloading the latest version 5 runtime instead. Once downloaded I reviewed the final URL that was used to download, then changed Silverlight.exe to Silverlight_Developer.exe to get the developer runtime as well.

2 thoughts on “Where to download Tools/SDK/Developer Runtime for Silverlight 4.0.60831.0”

  1. I had a tough time looking for it. Came across your blog and things worked fine for me after downloading the exes using these links.

    Thanks for posting it Justin.

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